fredag 25. november 2011

work, work, break, work.

Here's an update to keep you posted on my progress. I have been working on the animation non-stop today.. I have had some problems with the arm- and body-movement on the animation, so after a couple of hours tweaking I decided to get rid of a lot of it and repose it. Don't know if it was the best solution, but at least it sorted out some of the worst problems I was having.

Took a break from the animation after dinner and brought some of my precious Norwegian chocolate over to Albin & Joliens house for a long over due visit. Was a good way to get my mind of work for a while. Tim was there as well since he's back for the graduation (he's currently working at a 3D company in Amsterdam). Lot's of fun! The amounts of laughter and sugar provided me with new energy so I could continue working when I got back.

It's 1:00 AM and I'm getting tired so I think I'll call it a night. It's been a productive day. Will hopefully be able to spot the flaws Iv'e missed today after a good nights sleep.

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