onsdag 2. november 2011

Show and tell, some more reference footage and planning

Today was the show and tell for the poses. According to the feedback I got my poses seemed to tell the story. I might push the first pose on "waiting to start" a bit further down, so that he nearly touches the dumbbells, but he's scared at the same time. (I need to do some changes to the staging to make this work tough..)
Was a lot of good and fun poses so there where a lot of laughs in the classroom so it was a fun session. And as usual Penny brought sweets and that always makes us happy!

After class I went into town to get a new sim-card, because my new shiny Iphone 4s arrived yesterday! Afterwards I went over to Phoenix to meet up with Jørgen to help him shoot his reference, so now I also know the phone works excellent for that. I also did some new reference shots for my own shot, just to be safe. (Did this because I was a bit unsure about the reference shots I got from the Green screen-shoot.)

Here are the reference videos I will be using for the walk animation:

(I have edited bits and pieces from several shots to make these, I'm sure I won't need them all but since I found interesting parts in a lot of them I chose to keep it).

As the image shows I am currently at the drawing & writing stage of the planning.
So far I have worked out the character-profile and the story and also done some sketches on attitude-walk poses:

I need to refine the style of the walk and do some more polished poses before I start working on the storyboard, so I can get a better idea of how the animation will look.
I am also reading the chapter on walks in "The Animator's Survival Kit".
(Richard Williams, 2001)
And there I found a sentence that I will keep in mind while I work on the attitude of the walk, since it fits to my character (description posted on the 26th of October in the blog);

"Women often take short steps in a straight line - legs close together = little up and down to the body, as opposed to mister macho".

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