søndag 20. november 2011

Quick update

After a good night sleep I found out how to scale the rigs to fit together. Embarrassingly enough I found it in the modify panel (where I had looked at least 8 times yesterday). Guess I just needed the sleep.. Hehe.

I have started to block the animation, and so far the scene is working pretty good with both rigs in it at the same time. (Was a bit worried that this would be a lot to manage for the computer, but it's running quite smoothly so far).

Otherwise I have found a new source of entertainment while I work. I am sort of addicted to podcasts and I found this great page for those of you who love to hear people talk while you work.

The page is:


It's a animation-podcast featuring interviews with animators and people with relation to the animation-business. It's only 11 podcasts, but the ones I've heard so far has been about 1 hour and 30 minutes so that should keep you entertained for a while. I especially recommend the Ed Hooks interview, he talks a lot about his path from acting to acting for animation.
Would also like to mention the interview with Jamil Lahham, he gives us a insight on how it was to work on "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" and how it was to animate in that particular style.

Great stuff!

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