fredag 11. november 2011

A jump, some planning & a tweet.

Been working on the new jump in the animation today, struggling with getting the arms right. I have also made it him jump higher, since I got feedback from Penny who pointed out that it seemed a bit slow. It's seems to be working better now that I sorted that out.

But I have also started to play around with ideas for the next task. I'm still at the stage where I just draw down my ideas in small thumbnails and put them together as a "mini-storyboard", as mentioned earlier I find it easier to express myself through drawing than writing. I usually wait to write the story until I have a more clear vision of what I want to do.

(Image shows some of the ideas I did earlier today)

I'll probably go back to the animation again tomorrow, I want to get it as polished as possible before the next show and tell, because a lot of next week will be used on planning the next task since we have a video reference-shoot on Friday.

I'll hopefully sort out the issues I have with the arms tomorrow.

Oh, and if your not on twitter yet you should really consider joining it. I follow a lot of animators there. Just the other day a animator at Dreamworks tweeted that he was struggling with the movement of an arm and had ended up animating it frame by frame. I tweeted him that I just did the same with the knees on a character and he left me these wise words;

" @Kristian_Egge Anyone who says this stuff is easy isn't doing it right. :)"

- Goood night!

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