søndag 27. november 2011

linear to spline and rig-trouble.

As the title says I moved over to spline curves today. I did the fingers and hold pose in linear before so that it would be about right when I started polishing.
I always work on about 50 frames at the time on my animations, it's easier to see and control what each curve does to the animation that way.
But today that wasn't a smart choice. Apparently the dee-rig is having a bad day, it's been a lot of bugs on it. The mesh has popped away from the rig controllers, heads has "magically" disappeared and the rig has been a absolute nightmare to work on - And I have no idea why.
Because of this I was set back at least 5 hours work.. I sat polishing on the first 150 frames for hours and when I made a preview of the piece as a whole, the remaining 350 frames was a rig that where doing whatever it pleased.. And it just kept happening in older files, but at different points in the animation.

Here's an example of what I have dealt with today:

I then realized the best thing to do would be to go back to the linear-version, put it in spline again and start over. (Fortunately you work a bit quicker the second time around..)

I have worked on most of the animation, but I would like to continue with "fresh eyes" tomorrow. But, I will render one version during the night so that I have a version to hand in tomorrow if it rig keeps acting this way when I continue polishing.

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