mandag 21. november 2011

Block, timing and a bit of feedback.

I've finished blocking out the storytelling poses for the animation and timed it out. I was aiming for a shorter animation this time, but as usual I had not planned out enough thinking-time for the characters.

(This seems to be a reoccurring problem, so note to self; I need to keep that in mind next time I do my planning..)

- Not that it's a big problem to solve, since I do all my blocking with stepped keys and have all the rig-controls keyed on each pose.
(By working this way I can easily move the keys around without messing up any of the poses.)

I also showed the block to my room-mate, just to see if he could read the story from the poses and timing and according to him it was quite clear what was going on in the scene. Will be posting it in the MA-group on Facebook as well

So since I used more time on the walk than we have to finish up this task I think I'll have to start on the breakdowns now.
I'm still keying everything in each breakdown-pose so if I get some feedback after tomorrows lecture and I get any suggestions and/or if I need to do any major changes, I will still be able to solve this quite efficiently.

Here's my block timed out:

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