onsdag 16. november 2011

Show and tell, feedback and a guest speaker.

Today we had show and tell. It's changed a bit now that people are working on different tasks. I just showed my walk-animation today (the one I posted yesterday). I got good feedback on the animation-part, but the jump does not quite fit the character and story. So I've been working on the hands to make him "pull himself together" quicker, this meant getting rid of the big follow-through movements and also deleted about 40 frames to get the timing to fit better. He now moves quicker from the landing to the "macho"-pose. Personally I think it looks better this way as well.

Also, today there was a a guest speaker at the University. The speaker was Frazer MacClean and he did a talk on "the art of animation layout". It was really interesting and he has worked on some really big films, such as "Who framed Roger Rabbit" and Disney's "Tarzan".
I won't go in detail on his talk, but he did leave us with three wise words that I want to mention and those where;

-"Do your homework"

What he meant by this was mainly that if you are so lucky to get an interview with a company, you should use a couple of days to read up on the company's history and what they have done.

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