tirsdag 15. november 2011

Lecture, character profiles and walk animation.

Today was lecture day and the topic was blocking. I had parts of this lecture last year, but it was good to get a "re'cap" on the topic anyway. Especially the part on power-centres, because I had almost forgotten all about it.
In short it is the characters personality/attitude/mood reflected from the inside and is one of the main causes to why a character behaves as he does. Very useful to find your characters power centre because it will help you in posing and to show the personality to the audience.
A high power centre shows a positive attitude, and the higher the more positive. The opposite is a low power centre and this is used for a negative attitude.

So I have made my character profiles for the Bringing it all together task:

I have also worked on the walk animation. After some feedback from Penny I was made aware that the jump was too slow so I have redone it and also tried to clean up some snappy knees, fingers and body movements. I also worked on getting more drag on the hands when Angus lands.
So this is how the animation as it looks at the moment:

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