fredag 13. januar 2012

"Song & dance" blocking

Continued on the block for "song & dance" task today. Started working on the most omportant breakdowns, and tryingto keep in mind what Richard Williams wrote on the subject in "The animator's survival kit". He explains how much you can actually do with your breakdowns, just to make the animation more fun, exciting, interesting and so on. So instead of the going about it as usual
(meaning I emphasise one of the keyposes, making the breakdown slightly similar to either "A" or "B" and try to make the transition between them look good.)

On the poses I put in "Sleep in peace" and "bold world" I went away from the storyboard and experimented and it made it more interesting than planned, so that was really fun and interesting way to make breakdowns. I also "played around" on the "you know what I mean" to try and get as much personality as possible. He almost got a bit feminine at one point, but I think I'll keep it because it helps to show his personality as a guy who loves "being in the spotlight".

Here's the block with some breakdowns and a rough lip sync:

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