onsdag 18. januar 2012

Feedback and a lovely piece of animation

Got feedback on the lip sync- and "song & dance"-tasks today. All in all the feedback was good on the song, the personality was visible in the character so I'm really happy with that.
The lipsync was still a bit drifty, so I need to have another look at that later.
I've worked on the song all day and trying to get the timing of everything right and also work in some overlaps, so basically going back and forth between linear and stepped to try and sort this out while trying to keep control of the keys. It's a struggle at times, but I'm having a lot of fun with this one as well!

I also came upon this really lovely trailer for an upcoming film I wanted to show you.
It's written and directed by Minkyu Lee and it's titled; "Adam and dog".

Here it is:

Adam and dog Trailer from Minkyu on Vimeo.

What I get out of the trailer is that it is a very timeless piece, meaning it doesn't give away any clues of where or when the story is set to be. It's set in the wild, a jungle apparently (because of the vegetation and the animals, lemur and the bird that are found in those places.)
Time-wise it could be thousands of years ago, or then again it could be 2012.
But the fact that the main character is nude and that he is called Adam (as in Adam and Eve) which could be clue.

What I can see is that that clearly shows the relationship between man and dog living in the wild together.
And I just thought visually it looked so good.
Everything about the style was so beautiful. Especially the use of colour and light and shadows.

I also really liked the animation style. They have really gone realistic for this piece, I mean the shot with the bird eating and when the dog are walking through the vegetation are almost life-like. Really well made!

There's not a lot of information out there about the piece yet, but the credits and so on are found at:


And the fact that one of my favourite animators, James Baxter worked on it is reason enough for me to look forward to this one!

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