torsdag 26. januar 2012

Quick update

Just a short post to let you know what I've been working on today.
I moved into spline-mode on the "song & dance"-task yesterday and finished about 100 frames or so before I called it a night.
Picked it up again today and have been working on it consistently all day, so I am now about 300 frames in. I haven't had too much to correct, but the few things I had to work on was a transition where he's leaning to one side and then moves over to the opposite, and there was some weird hip/torso action going on so that took some time to redo. (Went back into linear to straighten this up).
I am also trying to clean up as good as possible, so I clean the curves for each individual part on the rig, so that's why it's moving quite slow. I want to be thorough when I do it, but also try and remove keys that might cause pops and "hiccups".

I have been working after the "Keith Lango method", meaning that I remove keys that aren't necessary for the motion, so if a curve looks the same with three keys as with for instance five, I will remove two of them and still be able too keep the motion looking the same.

-It takes time, but I think it's worth it!

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