torsdag 5. januar 2012

How to combine family dinner with work

Started the day by continuing on my blocking while my parents where at work, but when they came home we went to cook dinner at my grandmothers house.
But to stop me from worrying about my work at home I brought along some paper, a pen & pencil and uploaded my presenter sound-clip on my iphone. So when everybody was done eating and I sat down and listened to the clip while I drew some sketches while we had coffee.
I have to quote my mother here, she sat next to my grandmother in the sofa and leaned over to her and said: "Nobody's safe when he sits down with his sketchbook.."

She was right:

(my grandmother in a "cartoon-edition" & a slightly exaggerated situation in the kitchen.)

I also listened to the presenter-clip and started to sketch down a situation that I pictured in my head.
(I have chosen a clip from comedian Marc Maron's podcast, one of my favourite podcasts. I talked to Penny and I got the okay to use the clip so I really look forward to start working on it!)

Haven't got the clip for you t listen to, but here is the idea as I picture it in my head and the dialogue from the clip:

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