tirsdag 17. januar 2012

More work, reference & previews

Today we got to hear the two remaining presentations in class and also a lecture/video on offsetting/overlap. It was a Keith Lango video tutorial which as usual is incredibly useful and interesting.

After the lecture I went home and continued working on breakdowns on the "song & dance"-task. I got to use the notes I took in class today as well, so I've tried to build some offsets into the new breakdowns. As well as moving parts into linear to build my breakdowns on top of what the computer "gave" me. This was really useful and will hopefully help the transition from pose to pose to look better. As I've mentioned before, I really feel I'm learning new ways to animate through this task. Really a joy to work on it at the moment!

Youtube seems to have solved the problem I had last night, so as promised here are the reference for "The Presenter"-task, along with previews for the "Song & dance"- and the lip sync-task tat I will be showing in tomorrows Show and Tell.

Reference for "The Presenter":

As usual I couldn't quite decide on one shot, so this is an assembly of clips edited together. I will pick my favourites for the upcoming storyboard and planning. I also want to apologize for the rather unlucky audio in the clip, had some issues with the editing. But I guess the important part is the movement for the reference and not the audio.

Here is the preview for the lip sync:

And lastly the preview for the "Song and Dance":
(Still working in stepped mode)

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