søndag 29. januar 2012

A bit of everything

As the title states, today has been a day where I have worked on "everything".
I have tried my best to work out the "drifty-ness" in the lip sync animation and also worked out a camera-pan + some additional staging. I hope it's less drifty now, I found quite a lot of "hiccups" along with long eases and uneven curves when I went through curves in the graph editor all over again. It took a few hours, but hopefully it made a difference.

I took also fair use of semiology for this one; (visual aids such as; objects, lighting, effects etc. to make the scene recognizable to the audience), so I set up a a fairly dark lighting for the scene and a sign saying "keep out" to set the mood and make it more readable to the viewer.
- I think I will render this overnight, can't afford to spend more time on that one, it's also worth less marks than the other tasks.

Afterwards I worked a bit more on the camera in the song and dance, but I'm not happy with how it looks at the moment so I'm unsure if I will be using more than one angle. I have rendered a back-up now so if I see I have time I will definitively work more on it, but at least I have rendered one version of it so I have one to hand in.

Lastly I started to work in my breakdowns on "The presenter"-animation. I really enjoy working on this one, but as the hand-in approaches I can see that it's going to be a busy week!
My goal was to finish up the two other tasks during the weekend so I can direct my full attention on the presenter, so by rendering the lip sync over night that should mean I at least made that goal.

Also watched through the Keith Lango tutorial on splines and one of the detail videos (thanks to Penny for giving us those!)
I really enjoy the way he explains the subjects, it's so much easier to understand when he's using examples from life instead of actual animations.
My favourite which I will keep in mind from now on was when he talked about the importance of structure. His example was a office building that had too narrow doors for people to get through. To fix this problem, it won't help to add detail. The building does not need a new splash of paint, or new floors, etc. If the structure is wrong, adding details will just add more noise - it won't hide the fact the structure is faulty!

I've never thought about my animations in that way.. And I know I've tried to hide a lot of wrong-doings with detail..

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