mandag 16. januar 2012

more work on the animation, sketches and editing reference

Today I have done a bit of everything really. Got some great feedback on the animation yesterday, and it was mainly on the fact that the character could be pushed a bit further on facial expressions and gestures to really show his personality. So I've gotten rid of some poses to make room for more acting against the audience, which pays a huge part in this task. So, that meant that I had to get rid of some poses I liked, but it really seems to have made the difference. I guess you have to "kill some of your babies" sometimes. (Sounds terrible, but I'm referring to the poses..)

As usual I took a trip to the gym today, but brought my sketchbook with me this time and got time to sketch down some quick "action-poses":

I've also been into town and while I was there I started to pay attention to how much multitasking there is going on in town, here are some sketches of situations I observed:

I've also been editing the reference-video for the presenter task. Unfortunately I had about 40minutes that I shot during the holidays, but those files has apparently disappeared, so I re-shot my reference during the weekend.

I will post a preview of the animation and the reference video as soon as possible, but at the moment youtube seems to be having some problems uploading my videos..

-I'll keep you posted.

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