tirsdag 10. januar 2012

Lip sync animation

I got feedback on the lip sync task in today's "show and tell".
It was mostly suggestions to improving the mood and feel in the piece.
The character was too relaxed in the animation, especially when you compare it to the voice in the clip. To be honest I feel I kind of "lost my way" in this task, so I was happy to get some suggestions to hopefully be able to improve it.

So, with the feedback fresh in mind and a few notes I focused mainly on the lip sync today.
I think it's moving more towards the way I wanted it to go originally now..
Watched the reference again a couple of times and clearly saw how much quicker the movements where in that, compared to my animation so I've tried to keep that in mind when I started to work on it.

This is a wip-clip, sorry about the "crazy" eye-movements, haven't done any work on those yet so now that there is a lot of change in the body and head the eyes are all over the place.

Here you go;

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