tirsdag 3. januar 2012

A quick update

Yesterday was lecture day and today was show and tell, but since I'm still in Norway I missed those classes.

The reason for this where that it was about 150£ cheaper for me to book my flight back to Middlesbrough for this Sunday, so I thought it was worth it to stay a week longer to save those pounds.
I talked to the tutors about it before Christmas and they understood me, so that was really kind of them.

The only downside is that I'm struggling a bit more with work here.. There is a lot more going on around me here than in my quiet little "cave" back in Portman Street. Hehe.

-But I'm adjusting.

On the upside I got my "white Christmas" and I still enjoy the snow. Except for the all the times you have to go out shovelling it from the driveway..

Oh, before I forget. I started writing this post to give you an update on the work in progress.
I originally wrote this post last night, but I had problems with uploading photos.. Unfortunately it seems like blogspot is having the same issues today as well.. I've tried three different browsers now and nothing seems to work so I'll have to leave the pictures out this time.

I have started to block my animation for the "song & dance"-task. I went for the Max-rig so fingers crossed.. I have blocked 9 poses so far, and so far I have mixed bits and pieces from both the pose-sheet and the reference video.
I got some feedback on it from my friend Daniel last night, and according to his opinion of the character's personality and state of mind it seems like the mood and feelings of the character are showing.

- I want it to be clear that he is confident, calm and relaxed. He has performed this song endless of times and he's just soaking all the attention in and waiting for the applause that he knows is coming after he's done.

So, back to work then!

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