tirsdag 29. mai 2012

Scene design

These are images to show how our scene will look. I did a front 3/4 perspective that shows the hilltop that Nick will be come running down and in front of the image the bench where they are meeting. The staging will probably be changed according to what we find most efficient when we start working - usually you have to modify it a bit to make it work in 3D, especially when it comes to making room for animation. (This has already been done for the bench for instance; The model needed to be stretched in order to make room for the characters and the planned animation). The front-view is also our main stage - where the audience will be looking in most of the shots so the focus in that is the bench. The last image is the hilltop where Nick will be in the opening shot - How much of it we actually will see is yet to be decided, but we need it for reference for the modelling non the less.

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