torsdag 31. mai 2012

Icecream and logo/design exploration

Most of the design work is done and I think it looks quite promising for our little film. All the work we do we post on the groups facebook-page so we can get instant feedback on it, which has been VERY useful to us. I have been doing the last bits of drawing/design work now and will most likely move on to modelling. It will be interestng to see how that works ous since I have been using 3dsMax for the last four years. I have only been using Maya for the past two months - and not done any modelling in it at all so this means a bunch of tutorials and a lot of "newbie questions" to Scott, who so far have been tackling all the 3D stuff. Scott asked me to do another reference image for the icecream - since we decided to go for separate models for the various stages of the icecream instead of one with blend shapes. (The result was not as good as we hoped. and the ice-cream won't actually be melting as it is shown in the shots either so it wasn't really needed. Here is how that looks:
As mentioned in a previous post the design is now sorted and we have gone for a swirl top and a waffle-cone for the icecream. The last bit of design work I've been working on has been the condom packaging. Firstly we needed to sort out the colour:
We landed on pink and blue and I started working on a logo - We thought this would be a great opportunity for us to try and work in another gag, by being a bit clever with the logo on the condom pack.
After a chat with the group the two favourite ones where the rocket and bone®, so I went back to the drawing board to make some decent versions of them:
After a second round of feedback and a quick re-design we landed on this version:
It's a very innocent joke in my opinion, and you would have to be of a certain age to even get the point of the joke. And hopefully we'll get a laugh out of it. I must admit I had a laugh working on these!

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