torsdag 17. mai 2012

Concept for the flower stall

I've been working on a concept for the flower stall/wagon/stand (uncertain what the best word to describe this thing is..) Anyway, the process started with looking for reference images to get a better idea of how it might look. We discussed it yesterday and came to the conclusion that we pictured something like a hot-dog or icecream stand as you can see in films and tv-series. After some research I found the "NYC-hot dog stand", which according to this page is the most common stand you will see when walking through the streets and parks of New York City.
(Image taken from: But after researching flower stalls the result is a quite different design and size than the stand we pictured:
(Not saying we thought a flower stall and a hot dog stand is the same thing.. Heh..) But the good thing about doing creative work and being in charge of our own short film is that we can do "whatever we want", so by looking at the reference images and stealing bits and pieces we can make our own design for the flower stall. Who says it needs to be realistic? It's a cartoon. - So with that in mind I started to work on a concept for the stall and here is what I came up with:
I took the base from the old flower stalls since I liked the big wheels. But this is as I said just a concept so the group needs to have a look at it and give feedback on any changes wanted, the most important thing is that it fits our overall style for the film. Also made a drawing of the flower stall in a park-environment to give an impression of how it might look:

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