fredag 11. mai 2012

PreProduction module has begun

Okay, a bit late to announce since it's already been two weeks of work for this module. To be honest I've forgotten to post anything here since we have been hard at work with ideas, getting a showreel ready for EXPOTEES but I promise that's going to change. So to make up for lost posts I'll try and update you on the work we have done so far. (By we I mean, Em, Scott and I - Keeping the team from the mime-project since we seem to work quite well together) We started the first session with pitching our idea for the final year project. The idea was based on a real life experience I had with an ex-girlfriend. In short; We where supposed to go to her house for the weekend, a 40 minute car-drive from my house. As we where loading bags into the car I made a joke as I usually do and she laughed and made a joke that was more aimed at me. As we started driving I made another joke, which to be fair was meant to be funny, but I guess it could also be seen as an insult. The joking turned into a silly argument about things we where annoyed by in the relationship and about 35 minutes later we came to the conclusion that the relationship just didn't work. When we got to her house I unloaded her bag and had to drive back home alone. Kind of a sad story, but it's funny when I look back at it. A good way to explain it would be; "Funny because it's true". After pitching our idea to the class and tutors we got some great feedback and suggestions to help us improve the idea. The one we liked best was an idea to make it into a newly wed couple on their way to a honeymoon, this would make it ore tragic, and funny since they just got married and ended up arguing on "the happiest day of their lives". We still figured that we needed more than one idea so we decided to split it up and make storyboards for two ideas that we could pitch for the class. Since Em lives further away she worked on one idea from home while me and Scott met up to work on the other. I drew up the images for the storyboard and we recorded the dialogue where we "acted" out the characters. Scott then took all the images and sound-files with him and edited it all together to a storyboard/animatic: (I apologize in advance.. Hehe) Soo, yes. After we showed this in class we got feedback from Ellie and the class and it became apparent that the idea was a bit too easy for a three person project. Especially on a Masters level. It was also a concern that it might become boring to watch, the fact that the entire story is just an argument in the back-seat of a car. It was suggested that we made them drive the car instead, and maybe make the story more about the life of the couple. So one idea could be that the car-ride was a metaphor for their journey through life. We sat down as a group after the lecture that day and came up with some ideas. The one we decided to try and work on was that the couple met and had their first date, then they got married, had a kid, kid grew up, they got old. So basically show their whole life together as a long car-ride. We decided to go back home and come up with ideas for improving this idea and to try and work out another story. The thing we knew for certain was that we wanted to keep the couple as a foundation for our story since we all wanted to do a story about a relationship.

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