lørdag 19. mai 2012

Concept for the boy and girl-characters

Have been working on concepts for the girl and boy-characters for our short. I have been researching characters from TV-shows and films (both animation and live-action) and comics and other images for reference for the two characters and made assembled reference images to build the design from: The girl:
As you can see the references is taken from; "Full House", "Family Guy", Despicable me", "My neighbour Totoro" and others. The Boy:
References is taken from; "The Ant Bully", "Little rascals", "Dennis the menace", "Calvin & Hobbes", "Home Alone 3" and others. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I did a hand-drawn sketch for the girl as I did for the boy;
But also decided I wanted to do digital versions of both characters to include some colour and mood into the designs:
Again, just concepts and the final design will depend mostly on what we manage to get out of modifying the free-rigs, I guess that's one of the downsides of using a pre-made rig. Luckily the Morpheus-rig (mentioned in earlier post) is quite good for this, so we should be able to make a character-design that looks appealing. These design are very stylized, but the design is mostly based on their age and showing the difference between the two characters & in the end the main use of these designs will be for inspiration when we start modifying the rigs.

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