tirsdag 29. mai 2012

More assets: Icecreams, bushes and trees

As the headline says, I've been doing more asset-design. I have done several different designs to give us more too chose from when we start modelling the assets for the film. The more we have to chose from the better, and if I didn't hit it spot on with these there is always an option to "steal" a bit from one and merging with another. This has already been suggested for the icecream:
As it is now we are thinking the top from 2 and the cone from 5. So will need to do a final version of this for model-reference. I have also done designs for different bushes & trees.
My personal favourites at the moment is 8-9-10 of the bushes, but the last two might be a bit hard to model so time will show what we end up with. For the trees I like 5, mostly because of the texture/colour on the bark and have already gotten positive comments on that design from the group so hopefully we'll be able to recreate a similar look in 3D.

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