fredag 20. april 2012

Some of my favourite bird box animations

I had almost forgotten about Bird Box Studios, but after Harshali posted their "duel" short in the MA-group on Facebook I was reminded why I love their work so much.
Thanks, Harshali.

So I decided I would share some of my favourite shorts from the London based animation company. These are all very stylized, some of them are just pencil-sketch animations, but so effective and beautifully animated.

"chop chop"

Even with a tiny character and almost no detail, except eyes, this really tells the story to the audience. We understand everything even though it's just a few sound-effects. The poses are really clear and it really shows how important good poses are for a successful animation piece.


This one is really rough, but it's stylized and very visually pleasing. Great little story that makes me laugh every time.

"pub dog"

A more advanced piece from bird box; this one is also stylized, and I love that the background and foreground are more like rough sketches whilst the characters have more detail and colour. gain a really simple story, but so well thought through and very nicely done.

And finally to my personal favourite:


Not sure why this one is my favourite to be honest. My guess is that it's the ridiculousness of it all. All I know it is right up my street comedy-wise because I laugh every single time I watch it, I never get tired of that moment when the father and son gets eaten by the mailbox, the surprise of that happening is just so funny. You rarely see this kind of humour, so you don't expect that happening.

I also like that the post-box sneaks and jumps across the road in the beginning and I always expect it to come around the corner, but then it just appears from the left instead. This also surprises me as a viewer and almost makes me a bit confused, but not in a negative way - It almost makes me want to see what it will do next.
I guess that's the thing with this piece, everything that happens is unexpected.

The colour-palette on this one is also very visually pleasing. I also like the fact that all the line-work is coloured in different ways on the characters, which gives a different look than what you "usually" see in 2D animation.

If you want to look at more of their work you can have a look at their website at:

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