mandag 16. april 2012

11 second update

Blocking the 11 Second club piece is what I'm up to at the moment. I have about half of the key poses down at the moment, so it's just to keep working on the second half and hopefully I'll manage to get as much as possible done on it before show and tell tomorrow. So far I've had a lot of issues with parenting and constrains on this task, (for grabbing and dropping the nameplate) but luckily working in the labs provides you with helpful students in time of crisis.
(Again; thanks Scott!)
So that's been sorted, next up is the walk off screen for Edna, so I've gone back to the reference singe my pose-sheet didn't include that bit. I'm using a free software called "kinovea" for this, and I recommend it to everyone. You can basically draw on top of your videofiles, so it's really helpful for finding the line of action. In my reference Em has a fantastic line of action as she walks of, so I'm definitively going to try and recreate that. Here are some still images to better explain my point:

And here is the video with the lines of action in action. (Hah)

If your interested in the software you can download it free from:

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