onsdag 4. april 2012

Feedback on 11' idea and more work on the mime

So got feedback on my idea for the 11second club clip, the class & Siobhan seemed to like the idea, the only concern was that it might not be as clear as I thought it was. So I need to figure out a way to show that the old lady is giving the cake back to mrs. Crowley, because at the moment that is not obvious to the audience.
Will work more on that later on, but at the moment my main focus is on finishing the mime-piece.
I continued working on the transition I changed today, found some glitches that I had overlooked yesterday. Fresh eyes always helps!
After that I continued animating fingers, the important bit here was making everything flow. Fingers are an important part of this piece, because it's one of the most important tools mimes use in their acts to give the illusion of objects.

I think the fingers are working pretty good, but asked Em for some feedback on it just in case. Got a suggestion to some more movement where he is listening to the director so I'll give that a try. Otherwise it seemed like it was working.

Here's how the piece looks at the moment:

Everything is still linear. The next thing I need to do is the facial-expressions and eyes & blinks.

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