mandag 2. april 2012

Playblast notes

So after viewing my playblast on loop for a good 10 minutes, both normal and flipped.
Took notes while I watched it. I think I have found the most important glitches, "hiccups" and other mistakes that I need to sort out.

I found most of them by viewing it "normally", but when I flipped it I found even more. Both happy and a bit annoyed at the same time because of this. Feel I have enough work already.. Hehe.
But it really helps to flip the video, it feels almost like your viewing it for the first time again and I guess that is why I spotted some mistakes that I had overlooked before. Useful and very easy way to hopefully improve the piece a bit.

Here's the playblast flipped too better explain what I just described:

I also got some feedback from Scott yesterday on where he moves his hand behind his back, it looked "weird" as he put it, and he suggested to change it or make it faster. I went for the last one since I like the way he "presents the ball" in the end. But it looked a lot more natural when I made the move faster, so thanks Scott for pointing that out.
Think the problem was that you could see his hand between his legs in a few frames which made it look like a animation-glitch.

What I found by viewing the playblast was:
- The nods and wave needs to be a bit quicker and "softer".
- There are also some moments where one of the arms are completely still, which I need to have a look at whilst avoiding "floaty-ness" in the progess.
- There are some issues to work out on knees, some arrupt movements, but not too much popping this time around. So happy with that.
-Also need to work a bit on the transition from; Rope-pull -> holding his neck -> back to the rope again. There are some hiccups which causes it to stutter a bit here, so I need to see if there are any really sudden stops in the curves or if it's just a bit to fast which causes the curve-value to change too quickly.

So, a lot of work left. And I still haven't started on the details.. I think it's going to be a busy day, I'm starting to feel the time pressure now that the 11 second clip also has been released.
- Back to work!

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