søndag 1. april 2012

Some more reference and the linear version "done".

Today has been a busy, but effective day. Started work on the final bit on the linear version, again I had some issues to resolve with a hand (as usual) + feet, neck and head.

I struggled A LOT with the juggling part today. It wasn't clear enough, so I had to leave the computer for a while and try and figure out how I could make it easier to understand. I acted it out and decided to do some additional reference for this bit.

Here's the reference footage I took:

What I found is that it was more natural to put the right arm on my back after throwing it. This also shifts the focus on the hand catching and holding the ball in the end. I also liked the little jump I did so I tried my best to include that in my animation.

I managed to work my way through all of the remaining parts and I now have a "finished" linear version. I haven't started any detail work yet, so things like fingers and facial expressions is next. Or, first I have to go through my playblast and write down what I see of mistakes and what I need to adjust or change. But that's tomorrow, been working for nearly 10 hours so I think I need to get some sleep and "attack" it with fresh eyes tomorrow.

Here's the playblast of the linear version:

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