lørdag 14. april 2012

11Second Club - Posesheet and reference footage

I have made a pose-sheet/storyboard for the 11second' piece based on the reference footage and the overall mood in the scene. I think Mrs. Crawley will have a vertical line of action throughout the piece to try and get as much empathy as possible, so the changes in line of action will mostly be for Edna since she is the "strongest" character and her personality needs to reflect in her posture, she needs to show power and a overall superior attitude over Mrs. Crawley.

Here is the pose-sheet:

My reference footage is the two takes I liked best from the green-screen shoot, I think it works well to use both since both Em and Harshali have different takes on the character, this gives me the freedom to "steal" a bit here and there and mix it up to create the attitude for my characters. Here's the reference-footage:

Lastly, just a sneak peak on the scene-layout as it looks at the moment. The characters are just posed quickly to illustrate my point, but the look is pretty close to what I imagined when I came up with the story. A big thank you goes out to Scott for helping me out with setting up and modeling the scene, it's fantastic to have fellow students that bother to help you out when you are working with unfamiliar software. So yes, I will be using Maya for this task as well!

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