onsdag 18. april 2012

Show and tell

Today was the originally the last show and tell in class for the Acting for Animation module.
(We have another opportunity to show on Tuesday for the students who want feedback on work in progress)
I brought the 11SecondClub block today and since Penny joined us today I got to show it to her as well - Feedback was positive and was told to crack on so I'm happy with that!

Here is the block I showed in class today:

We also showed the assembled mime-pieces with added visual effects and sound:

It needs some tweaks, but I think we're all quite happy with the result. And since this is just edited playblasts I am really looking forward to seeing it with clean rendered frames now:

Would also like to share a video with you. It's a compilation of clips from different films showing different cinematic techniques all the way back from eary 80's and up till today.
A really interesting VFX compilation:

Personally I was most fascinated by the matte-painters and roto-scopers. The matte-painters needed to do these incredible matte paintings with an enormous amount of detail, and the roto-scopers had to paint on top of the frames by hand - one frame at a time!

I think learning about how things were done in the earlier years could help us today as artists as well, at least having an understanding of how hard these artists had to work compared to today. Don't get me wrong, it's still a massive amount of work getting the results we see on screen today and a lot of the same basic principles of for instance matte-paintings etc. are still used today. Still; most of the VFX done today are easier to do than it was 30 years ago.

Just think about the talent the artists of the 80's had/have and the fact that they did it all by hand -> without having the option of hitting: ctrl+z, if they did something wrong.
- Amazing.

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