tirsdag 3. april 2012

Feedback changes to the animation

Today's showing of work in progress in class was quite successful. It seemed to be working and that they understood what was happening so I'm happy with that.
The only suggestion to changes I got was the big anticipation before the "ta-da" pose, it didn't make sense that he did the rope, got pulled and all of a sudden did a turn before the big swing.

I must say I felt that was a weak part and my worries was proven right by the feedback from the class and Siobhan.
So when I got home I started working on the new transition. And man oh man, what a struggle that was. I think it was mostly because I'm still a bit unfamiliar with Maya, but it took ages and I ended up "rebuilding" nearly a 100 frames of animation to make it fit. Luckily we have got a week extension for the module, so I should be okay with time even though all of today was spent on fixing this transition.

This is how it ended up looking after today's work:

I then sent it to Scott, who pointed out that the long pause didn't make sense. I had pictured facial expressions and some time for him to "pick himself up", but decided to give Scott's suggestion a go. (He suggested that I made him go into the ta-da immediately)

Here's how that looks:

I must say I think it both feels more natural and looks better this way. And I think it might be easier to see Alfonso does the big ta-da pose, but still is a bit unsure if what he has done is indeed the right thing.

Now that I have sorted that out I need to move on and start thinking of ideas for the 11 second club clip. We are having a session on that in class tomorrow so need to have some ideas to share with the rest.

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