onsdag 1. februar 2012

Wednesday already?

So yes, it's getting close to hand-in and I'm in crunch-mode (Working non-stop) on the presenter.
I won't use too much time to explain where I am at, so here is a preview of the piece as it looks at the moment:

This is in linear-mode.
I'm trying to push the piece to make the comedy show even better, so there is a lot of fast moves and exaggeration like drag on head/neck and chest. It's fun to try something new, even though it's difficult to get the timing right, but hopefully I'll get a decent result when I'm done.

I'm working on the lipsync now, just so that I know it works and then I need to start figuring out blinks and fingers. I think I'll add some details in linear and then move into spline and do the rest there.
It's a new way to go about the animation-process for me, but after going through the Keith Lango tutorials I see the point of working like this. (Not sure if I'm doing it exactly the same as he suggests, but at least to some degree, especially when it comes to post-ponding details).

By the way, I found this great site that shows the animation principles:


The principles are found all over the web and in the books we use, but the nice thing with this site is that they use animated gif's from a video-game to show the principles "in action". Old subject, but with a new twist, at least I found it quite handy.

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