torsdag 23. februar 2012

Live action actors - References

I have been looking for actor-references for the mime-character I am creating, but narrowing it down to one has been really hard. The previous post had some of the attitude I wanted on stage, but I found that I needed more to base my character on.

So after a lot of research I found that by merging three actors I might have the key-elements I want to base my character on.

For the characters energy and his mood (joyful and always smiling, happy and so on)
I have been looking at Jim Carrey. It's interesting to see him act like this without actually playing a character in a film. (I wouldn't use any of the parts he's played as reference, since these are often a bit too extreme - so I found this clip very useful since it's just him being himself).

Robin Williams is very interesting, because his power-centre is basically the exact same as on my mime-character, Alfonso. If you observe him when he walks across the stage you can clearly see that his chest is leading when he walks, but not in a threatening or arrogant way. His powercenter is just placed that high. It's also a good reference since my character is about the same age, which shows that an older gentleman can still be very energetic on stage.

For the whole look of the character I picture him a bit like Antonio Banderas, a very kind looking man which also seem to have experienced a lot in his life.

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