fredag 17. februar 2012

The first group-meeting

Today we had the first group-meeting for the mime-task. We all met up at Uni and started to work on the ideas. We decided on the "annoying director" idea, but we changed so the concept is more of a general audition for a film. We went through different classic film-genres like; Sci-fi, Horror, Mystery/Thriller, Rom/Com, Western and "Superhero". After pitching ideas in all the genres we found the western and superhero concept most interesting. So we then went on to further develop these two. So far we haven't quite decided which one to go for, since we have found fun and interesting parts to include in both genres. The one thing we do know though is that it will be an audition and that there are three mimes with three different personalities trying to get the same part in a film.

The personalities are quite different so this will hopefully create a nice sense of contrast in the film.

I will upload the details in a later post since I haven't got the notes at hand at the moment.

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