mandag 20. februar 2012

The animatics

Today has been used on finishing the animatics for our two ideas. I made rough drawings in photoshop which I then edited and tried to time roughly in premiere. It's been hard to stage/pose this since there is no props or other visual aids to help tell the story. But when we get the offscreen sounds of the director's voice it will all be a bit more clear. I added a short description to each of them here to help you understand what's happening.

(I need to work more on making it as clear as possible without the off-screen sound when we decide on one idea, because it is a mime-act so sound is not supposed to be necessary).

- Anyway, here is the animatics as they look at the moment:

"The Western" idea:

(Character is nervous, sneaks inside a bar and orders a drink. He spots a pretty girl, but when she looks at him he pretends he wasn't looking. He decides to give it a shot and tries to buy her a drink, but she's with another man who spots him trying to hit on his girl. Our hero drops his "bottle" in the floor. The man approaches our "hero" and they draw "guns". Our hero is terrified and tries to cover his eyes while aiming his "gun" at the approaching man.)

"The Superhero" idea:

(Our hero is cocky/arrogant and leaps heroic into the scene. A baby is in danger and he quickly grabs it with one hand, throws it up in the air and catches it with the other. He tries to entertain the terrified baby and calm it down. Suddenly, danger! A meteor is headed towards them. He glances up at it, not too bothered since he is fearless and "awesome". He continues to entertain the baby with funny faces while the meteor is getting dangerously close. At the last minute he puts one arm out and the impact makes him slightly move his upper body to one side, like someone gently pushed him. He looks down at the meteor and then turns his attention back to the baby.)

They are both drawn quite rough, but I must admit that I have used quite a lot of time on them anyway, it ended up with over 30 seperate drawings for each animatic. So it would have been a bit easier if we already had decided on a idea and only had to make an animatic for that.. But since we are struggling to decide we found it best to make them both and let the audience help us decide when we show it in class on Wednesday.

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