lørdag 8. oktober 2011

Tennis ball, presentation and childhood memories.

I have started animating the tennisball and worked on that most of the day on both Thursday and yesterday. I also got some feedback on it from my roommate and from Daniel via skype. It is so great that I am still able to show him my WIP. He has helped me out a lot before, and we frequently ask each other for feedback when we are working on something.

After lunch I went over to the Phoenix building to work on my Power point presentation slides. I want it to be a entertaining presentation as well as informal. I have made a animation to try and show the principle "in action".

After dinner I went straight to the Terrace-bar at the SU to meet the rest of the MA-class. Only about half of them showed up, but non the less we had a great time! Went and saw "The Lion King" and for an hour and a half I was 6 years old again. I'm used to watching it dubbed to Norwegian so some of the songs where a bit unfamiliar to me. But that film is still one of my favourite films of all time.

I also watched it in a totally different way than I used to. I kept my focus on the animation and on how good they have captured the behavior of real animals. It is truly an amazing piece of animation.

Personally I love the final battle scene, where Simba faces Scar.

(Spoilers to anyone who hasn't seen the film yet..)

There is so many great examples of weight and anticipation involved. You can really see it around 45sec out in the clip, where Simba punches Scar. They hold the key pose before the punch for a long time to both add anticipation towards what's about to happen and to create an essence of force & weight in the punch.

The animation also "jumps" back and fourth from slow motion to real time which makes the scene even more exciting to watch for us as an audience.

This scene is worth watching over and over just to study the way the lions move aswell, they have really captured the essence of weight in their bodies.

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