fredag 14. oktober 2011

Animation and some redrawn sketches from yesterday.

I have been animating all day basically. It's been mainly work on the pendulum, but I did do some work on the ball as well, just to change my perspective for a bit. I have chosen to make the pendulum as it is following a path, just to experiment with moving it around in different axis and animating the chain thereafter. But enough talk about the piece, here is my wip_clip:

(The thing I am struggling most with at the moment is that the chain speeds up a bit where it is supposed to settle down. Hopefully I'll manage to fix it when I have rested my eyes for a bit.)


I took a break from animaton after dinner and redrew the poses from yesterday. I like to use the same character for my poses, just to keep some sort of continuity in them. It can't be anything else than beneficial for my drawing-skills to do it this way, even though it takes up a bit more of my time. I will at least keep on doing it as long as I've got the opportunity.

Here is an assembly of my personal favourites:

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