torsdag 13. oktober 2011

Coffee, sketching and pendulum.

We are trying to arrange a few "sketching-trips" which everyone in the class can attend if they like, today there were only Rachel, Harshali and me, but hopefully others will come along with us next time. Met up at the union and sat down with our sketchbooks and a cup of coffee. Mostly got sketches of people eating, sitting around and talking today.

(Guess Terrace-Bar isn't the place for the really fun ones..)

But non the less; Going out together to sketch is so much more enjoyable than sketching by yourself.

Animation-wise I am working on the pendulum. Got quite a lot of work done on it today, having some trouble with the slow down though. But I have gone "blind" on my own work now so I'll rest my eyes now and hopefully I'll solve the issue tomorrow.

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