tirsdag 18. oktober 2011

Lecture day and feedback

Had an interesting lecture on posing today. Some of it was repetition to me since I had teh Character Animation module last year, but useful non the less. I had already done some research of my own on the subject through Keith Lango's tutorials; "Creating good poses" and "More on creating good poses".

(All tutorials are found on his youtube-channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/keithlango )

I must admit that a lot of this is basically his words and examples rewritten/drawn, so I could just watch the videos again. But for me to better understand and remember I find that it really helps to do it this way.

Here's an example of my notes:

( All tutorials are found on his youtube-channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/keithlango )

Also got some more feedback from Penny after the lecture and I think I managed to sort out the issues with the bounce. I feel the arcs on the tennis-ball looks better, so hopefully tis will help to improve the piece.

I have now finished rendering the animations that I will be bringing to tomorrows "show and tell".

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