mandag 24. oktober 2011

Alternative endings to the animation.

Got a reply from Penny, and I found out that I did indeed not for-fill all the criteria in the brief the way the animation was in the last preview. She gave me a useful tip on how to solve this, so I sat down and came up with alternative endings. As Penny said I could have the squirrel jump off a box in the beginning and then I could keep my old ending.
But I also had a fun little idea I came up with while I was at the gym this morning and I had written it down on my phone just in case.

I ended up going for the idea I had written down, since it seemed like a fun challenge.

I also got some feedback from the MA-group on Facebook, so I have worked on the speed of the slide to make it look more believable.

So this is how the piece looks at the moment:

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