onsdag 12. oktober 2011

Animation principle presentations

So today we had our presentations on the animation principles. I must admit I wasn't exactly looking forward to it.. My thoughts beforehand were to get it out of the way as soon as possible so when Penny asked who wanted to go first I nearly jumped off my chair.

It's not that I am particularly shy or anything, but it's something about the idea of doing a presentation in your second language that kind of puts a bit more pressure on me..

But I must admit it wasn't much to "fear" really.. I think I managed to present my subject in a different way than usual and that was my initial plan as well.

(I will include a picture of my presentation slides in this post to give an idea of how it looked and I'll include the animation I made to show "slow in and out" as well.)

(Hopefully this image can give you an idea of how the presentation looked)

Oh, and before i forget! I did include a slide with my links and references , but I did not show it in the actual presentation. So if you find it of any interest, here's the slide:

And here is the animation comparing two boxes with and without "slow in and out":

Otherwise I am currently working on the pendulum task. Got a bit tired of the bouncing balls yesterday.. I guess that is also one of the main purposes of handing out two tasks simultaneously, it at least helps me to jump back and fourth like that.

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