mandag 17. oktober 2011

Closing in on the animations

Getting close to "hand in" now.. ("Posting" might be a more correct phrase in this case since it's all going in to the blog.)

Anyway; Posted my wip in the MaCharacter-group yesterday and I got some feedback from previous MA-students, really helpful. I also e-mailed Penny earlier today and got some feedback from her as well. Hopefully I have managed to solve some of the issues on the ball-animation. I feel there is more work to do on that than on the pendulum, and the feedback seems to back up that feeling.

I have made some new wip-previews to post here and also to bring along to class tomorrow so that I can get some last minute feedback.

Here are the previews:

(Experimented a bit with camera angles and found this one to look a bit better than the previous. + Worked on the entry-arc on the tennis-ball, slowed down the first bounce and reduced the hangtime.)

(Changed the beginning of the swing at the end-position, so that it starts a few frames earlier, since there was a bit of a delay + Worked on the transition from swing-extreme to straight chain where the pendulum moves up).

Otherwise I took some time away from the old computer today and went to the life-drawing class. It was really hard to get back into it since it's been nearly half a year since I was there last. But I enjoyed it!

I was a bit rusty, but here are some of the sketches I did:

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