tirsdag 20. mars 2012

Secondary breakdowns take two

So, been working on the feedback I got from Siobhan (as posted earlier) and also some feedback from Scott. Tried to work on making the head-position consistent during the whole piece and also moving faster into the "ta-da"-pose (open arms - waiting for applause) which Scott pointed out. He also mentioned the transition from standing to the rope pull in the beginning was a bit weak so I've tried to make that a bit stronger.

Sent the playblast via e-mail to Siobhan and Penny and posted it in our Mime-group on Facebook so will hopefully get some feedback tomorrow.
Might be moving it to linear sooner than scheduled, it's getting tight between the keys now and it seems to be working okay in linear in the tests I've done so far.

Here is the playblast, this one is still on stepped keys:

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