mandag 5. mars 2012

Monday: Presentation work and pose-sheet for Alfonso.

Today (and the weekend) has mostly been spent working on the presentation. I had a chat with Siobhan about my clips because I was worried they where to long. The clips where about 4 minutes total on a 10 minute presentation, so I realized I would spend almost half the presentation just showing the clips. As I predicted this was too long, but Siobhan suggested I might talk over them to make up for the time it took to run them. I tried this and it sort of worked, but I think it might be a bit distracting. So I took the clips into Premiere and started to edit them. I cut away the bits that was unnecessary and kept the bits I needed to make my points. I managed to cut away over a minute of film so hopefully a bit under 3 minutes is okay. I kind of need that to make the points in my analysis make sense. My subject is on the use of empathy to create comedy, and I therefore need a bit more than a slapstick-gag to explain it.

I have also finished my drawn key-poses for the mime-task. I'm planning my key-poses the same way as I did in the last two modules, by making a "pose-sheet". It's a bit more than the key-poses, so I ended up with 27 drawn poses. But I have found this really useful in the previous tasks so I figured I'd stick to that "recipe". It's proven to be very useful to have it up on the second monitor as an additional reference to the actual ref-footage.
The fact that I draw them gives me the freedom to exaggerate the poses I find in the ref-footage while including stronger lines of action and "pushing reality" a bit.

Here is the pose-sheet for Alfonso's act:

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