lørdag 10. mars 2012

Key posing - juggling

So I have worked on the feedback I got from the group and tomorrow we have another skype-meeting where we will show what we have done with the poses that needed work and any other work in progress.

I am currently working on the rest of the poses for the performance and hit a point where more research was needed. I realized I had way too little knowledge on how juggling works, and to be honest the performance in the green-screen studio wasn't exactly impressive juggling-wise.. Hehe.

And also when it is a mime performing a juggling act it needs to be made quite clear what's going on, otherwise it's more like a clown trying to look funny by doing random hand-gestures.

So I started researching it and found this video very useful. It's a tutorial on how to juggle, and it shows both close-ups of the hands and slow motion of the movement.

Think I will be using this video as additional reference-footage for the performance.

The notes I've taken so far is:

- Shoulders out, arms close to the body.
- Forearm and wrist/hand does most of the work
- When he catches the ball, the arm moves down before throwing it up again.
- Head up -> Follows the ball to see where it goes -> So that he can catch it.

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