mandag 19. mars 2012


Got an e-mail with feedback from Siobhan which was very useful.
Alfonso still needs to react more to the director and he appeared to look at different places in the animation, which was misleading. Siobhan's suggestion was to have him look directly into the camera, an idea I thought was clever.

The thing is that the other characters need to do the same in order to keep it the looking the same in the three different animation-pieces. So after a quick chat with Scot and another email to Siobhan the case is to keep it as it is, but I need to go through my piece and make Alfonso look at the same point throughout the animation.

The part where Alfonso nods was apparently working good as communication with the off-screen director, so I am happy with that.
I will also try and work in a quick head-turn on "cut" to show that Alfonso looks at the director before he stands up with the surprised/happy expression.

Siobhan also attached a link for me to look at, it's from the TV-show "Fawlty Towers" and the character is Manuel. A foreign guy who struggles with the language, which then creates a lot of comedic scenes in the show.

Here is the clip:

Fawlty Towers Manuel And The Rat John Cleese Exclusive Interview Bbc Worldwide via

This was attached as inspiration for my character, since he is kind of the same type as Alfonso.

But the most interesting thing about this to me is that I've already researched Manuel. Em and Scott told me to look at Fawlty Towers clips in the development phase of the Alfonso-character since Manuel has the kind of the same language problem, but also the same "always happy" and joyful attitude which created comedy in the show.

I guess that means we managed to recreate some of Manuel in our character Alfonso.
Happy with that!

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