tirsdag 20. mars 2012

Additional reference-footage

Been struggling a bit with the wave, especially where Alfonso stops waving and he lowers his hand. The problem is mainly because of the axis in Maya and the FK on the arm. The X-rotation on the shoulder/upper arm has a big decrease in value from the wave to hanging by his side which causes the hand to quickly rotate and almost snap into place. So I decided to do some more reference footage to see exactly how it looks when I wave intensely and the arm "falls" down to my side. I should be able to solve it, it just needs some tweaking. But I thought some more reference might help me understand how it should look and hopefully I'll be able to make it look right in my animation too.

Here is the reference I did:

The thing I discovered is tat it all happens rather quickly, which might make it easier to fix the issue, since the pop will only happen during a couple of frames. This means that the worst case scenario is to manually force it into the correct position over those frames.
But I'll try to avoid that anyway.

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