lørdag 10. mars 2012

My "go-to videos" for blocking

I just wanted to share something I do before I start a new task.
Usually I have a quick run-trough of these tutorials by the great
Keith Lango.
They are so good to use as preparation for blocking.
I don't know if everybody experiences the same as me, but the thing is;
Every time I start a new task I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.

Everything about the blocking seems "scary" and I can't understand
(or remember) how I did it in the last animation I worked on.
So my solution is always to freshen up on the most important bit;

- Creating good and strong poses that clearly tells the story.

They need to be dynamic and have good lines of action and
I need contrastin the block (reverse lines of action).

So here are my "go-to videos" to remind myself how important this is to my animations:

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