tirsdag 13. desember 2011

Presentation and more work on the lip sync

Today we had our presentations for the class. I think it went okay, I was a bit nervous in the beginning, the classic dry mouth.. But that went away pretty quick. Was a lot of interesting presentations shown today, and almost everybody had different subjects. I learned a lot!

Went for coffee at Starbucks with the class afterwards. Was good to sit down and just talk.

When I came home I sat down and continued to work on the lip sync animation. Solved some issues with the hands and eyes and polished some more on the actual lip sync. Will hopefully get some additional feedback tomorrow so I know what I need to focus on during the holidays. I will be doing some work while I'm back home since I'm leaving on Friday and are staying until the 8th of January.

Here is the wip-clip I will be showing in tomorrow's show & tell:

Also, I still recommend joining Twitter if your not already on it. One of the animators at Dreamworks that I'm following shared this video on Twitter earlier today, it's goes through a lot of interesting topics and it's some really great stuff in there either your a newbie or a professional:

Will share this in the MA Facebook-group as well, I think there are more than me that find this useful and interesting.

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