fredag 2. desember 2011

Lipsync on paper, key poses and blocking

I've been working mostly on the lipsync task today. Continued work on planning the animation. I have finished the character profile, the key-poses and the lipsync-poses (on paper).

The animation is going to be pretty subtle so I tried to keep the key poses to a minimal this time, to focus on the lipsync since this is the main objective in his task.
Here is the key-poses on paper:

The character-profile:

And the pose-sheet for the lipsync:

(I guess it isn't necessary to do it this way and I'm not sure if I'm going to use it that much, but I like to plan out most of the animation on paper before I start to do any work in 3dsMax.)

I then started blocking the body-movement for the animation. Still trying to keep it pretty subtle and without any major gestures:

Will keep working on this tonight, but I might jump a bit back and forth between the two tasks since I need to get a lot done by tomorrow. I've planned to take most of the day off tomorrow because I'm having the class + some other friends over tomorrow night to celebrate my birthday, so I won't get much else done then.

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